Ask your child about our trip to the haunted house.

October 28-November 1

Notes about our Week •We continued working on our monster paintings.  We added details by drawing and wrote about our monsters. •Some of us began making costume props at our creative centre. •We planted Scilla and Tulips bulbs in our outdoor garden. •We put some Hyacinth bulbs into the fridge to try to wake them […]

October 21-25

Notes about our Week •We are learning to find math everywhere!  We looked at groups of objects and pictures to see where we could find the math.  We noticed that many numbers can be represented in a simple way (e.g., 3 Jack-o-lanterns had 6 eyes, 8 triangles). •We read stories about being scared and made […]

October 15-18

Notes about our Week •We continued to read fiction and non-fiction books about apples. •We used problem-solving skills to figure out how to get the apples out of the tree in our schoolyard.  Some of us shook the branches, jumped up or used a stick to get the apples down.  Once they were down, we […]

October 7-11

Notes about our Week •We continued our inquiry about airplanes and airports.  The children researched many of their questions to find answers to how planes fly, how many seats are on a plane, how many buttons are in the cockpit and many more. •We continued to make airplanes and measure how far they could fly. […]