Our Hike for Today is Cancelled.

Due to the weather conditions, our hike is cancelled for today.  

Feb 24-28

Notes about our week… We are so happy to have the children back for a full week of learning! •Last week, we created a tent with blankets and crazy forts. •We learned some more Inuit games of survival. •We made snow forts and snow people. •We finished creating our ocean. *Please note that our classroom […]

Camping at the Dramatic Play Centre

Today the children decided to create a camping centre in the dramatic play area.  If you have any items that we could borrow to turn this into a reality, it would be greatly appreciated.  Please be sure to label any items so we can return them the correct person. Thank you.

Feb 17-21

Notes about our week… •We began making creatures for a 3-D ocean that we are making. •We are learning about procedural writing.  We are thinking about the steps that it takes to complete daily activities and to make projects. •We are learning the names of 3-D figures. •We celebrated Valentine’s Day by handing our valentines […]

Hike is cancelled for tomorrow!

Due to the expected cold weather for tomorrow, we will not be going on a hike tomorrow.

February 10-14

What’s happening… *Please visit wrdsb.ca to find out how strike actions may effect school your child’s school week. *We will exchange Stinger Readers and Library books each day if the school is closed for days during the week. Monday, February 3-Day 5-Stinger Readers Exchange & Music-Children may begin bringing in their Valentines to put in […]

February 3-7

Notes about our week •We converted the dramatic play area into a salon where you can get your hair, nails and makeup done.  They have been using the creative centre to make things to add to this centre.  It has been a very popular spot! •We used marbles to paint and experimented to how different […]