September 30-October 4

Notes about our Week •We played sorting games to see how we could sort buttons and socks. •We began to make airplanes in a variety of ways at the creative centre and built airports at the block centre. •We read stories about feelings that belong to the green and blue zones of regulation.  We talked […]

We can always use your junk!

We have had several parents ask if they are any items that we need for our class.  Of course there are many things that we could use and much of it is stuff that you would throw out.  As they say, “One person’s junk is another one’s treasure.” Some things that have great learning value […]

September 23-27

Notes about our Week •We played a game called “Which one doesn’t belong?” with pictures of patterns.  We further developed our knowledge of patterns by examining how patterns can be made with a variety of materials and made in different ways (e.g., colour, position, size, etc.) •We use sponges to paint patterns. •We experimented with […]

Terry Fox Run

We will be having our Terry Fox Assembly and Run during the first block of school tomorrow.  Please help your child put on their tattoo and sticker that says who they are running for tomorrow morning before school. We will be running for about 30 minutes. We have received many toonies for Terry.  Please consider […]

September 16-20

Notes about our Week •Our week began with the exciting discovery a caterpillar with a red horn.  We were very curious to figure out what type of caterpillar it was and discovered that it is a Gallium Sphinx caterpillar.  This led to a search to see what other types of caterpillars and creatures we could […]

Do these belong to you?

Please look at the picture below and let us know if the sweater or container is yours.  

September 9-13

Notes about our Week •We met our new kindergarten friends! We have been singing songs and playing games to get to know each others names. •We are learning routines such as how to walk in a line, how to sit on the carpet for lessons and stories, how to prepare for lunch, how to change […]

Important Information

Each child brought home a mailbag with a communication book and many important papers. Please fill out the forms and return tomorrow. Forms to be filled out: Data Verification form-Please make sure that all of your contact information is correct and anyone that will be picking up your child is included as a contact. Media […]

One more sleep!

We are very excited to meet our new kindergarten friends and to see how much our Year Two children have grown over the summer.  We are going to have a great year! Please remember to bring pictures of your important people and creatures to school tomorrow.  Here is the page to glue the pictures of […]