What has Tickle been up to?

See the pictures below to see all the silly things Tickle has been doing in our class.

December 9-13

Notes about our Week •The children have been busy creating paper chains and decorations for our classroom. •Tickle (a kindness elf) came to visit our classroom to encourage kindness each day. •We read “The Gingerbread Man” and attempted to build a way for the gingerbread man to get over the river so he wouldn’t have […]

Meet Tickle Our Kindness Elf

This is Tickle our Kindness Elf he came on Monday and is watching for all the kind things we do. Watch for all the different silly things he does this month.

December 2-6

Notes about our Week •We read many rhyming books.  Some of our friends brought in rhyming books for us to read together. •We had a Rhyme Crime committed in our classs.  Many items were taken and replaced with a rhyme.  But don’t worry, we solved the crime!  Ask your child about this. •Several children were […]

Do you have an extra fake Christmas tree?

The children have been making Christmas decorations and making presents.  If you have an extra Christmas tree that we could use at school to hang our decorations on, please email us at janet_scheuring@wrdsb.ca and/or kiri-and_wilson@wrdsb.ca

Hike on the Health Valley trail tomorrow.

We will be hiking on the Health Valley trail tomorrow.  It is expected to feel like -10 degrees Celsius tomorrow morning.  Please make sure that your child has warm clothing (e.g., winter boots, snow pants, hats, scarf or neck warmer and warm mittens). Thank you.

November 25-29

Notes about our Week •We continued reading “Three Little Pig” stories and variations.  We even had some students bring in their own versions that were different than the ones that we had at school. •We built sets and used puppets to act out the “Three Little Pigs.” •We made shape pictures by painting with shapes […]

Hike on Friday

We will be hiking on the Health Valley Trail on Friday.

Now that the snow has arrived…

Now that the snow is arrived we would encourage you to pack an extra set of mittens and socks each day.  The children are learning and playing outside each morning so our clothing tends to get a little wet.  This would help your child feel more comfortable throughout the day and when we go outside […]

November 18-22

Notes about our Week •We enjoyed the snow while playing outdoors.  We explored marker and how they can be used to colour snow. •We learned how to make and build with snow “rocks”. •We continued our learning about shapes.  We read stories about shapes and began making shape pictures with pattern blocks and paper. •We […]

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