Sketch note created by Valentina Gonzalez, @ValentinaESL:

Wait time is essential for students who are processing information and vocabulary in two languages, but it is beneficial for ALL students. Allowing students “think time” levels the playing field for students who are learning English, students with auditory processing needs, as well as a wide variety of other students for whom a few extra seconds can mean the difference between “I don’t know” and a complex response. When we honour and allow for adequate wait time in our classrooms, we encourage more reluctant speakers to participate, and help our more eager students to learn to be patient with others who require a moment to collect their thoughts. Providing adequate wait time in the classroom is often something that does not come naturally to teachers who are used to thinking on their feet. Mindfully paying attention to the amount of time we provide both after asking a question and after a child initially responds allows us to sink into the moment with our students for just a bit longer, and can encourage richer and more complex dialogue from all students. Thank you to Valentina Gonzalez for permission to share her sketch note on wait time here. Please read her blog on this topic for more insights on how wait time can benefit our English Language Learners.