Welcome to Grade 3!

It is going to be a very exciting year. I hope everyone had an enjoyable and safe summer. I am very pleased to be teaching your child’s this year. This September, we will be focusing primarily on classroom routines, building a growth mindset, community building activities, and maintaining positive friendships.

Home-School Communication

Communication between home and school is extremely important. Planners will be checked daily at school. Please check it nightly for any notes home. You can also bookmark this website and follow @empireChapman on twitter!

School Safe Lunches

Please ensure that your child’s lunch does not include products which contain nuts or shellfish. We have several students and staff with severe allergies.

Healthy Snacks

Please send a water bottle to keep on your child’s desk. Water is preferable to juice, koolaide and fruit drinks. Students are allowed to snack on fresh fruit and vegetables if they are hungry. Containers should be resealable and preferably not glass.

Indoor Shoes

All students should keep a pair of indoor shoes at school. We participate in physical activity on a daily basis, so please make sure that gym safe shoes are sent as soon as possible. Remember to make sure that all personal belongings that come to school are labeled!

Home Reading

The homework consists of regular reading. Eagle Home Reading will begin in late September or early October. Students are asked to read every night for 20 minutes. Stay tuned for more information!

Meet the Teacher Night

Please join us on Wednesday, September 11 from 6 – 7:00 pm for meet the teacher night. Students love to show off their new classrooms and I am looking forward to meeting our families.