Welcome to grade 12! I’m glad that you’re taking this fourth math course and I’m looking forward to teaching you and helping you to be successful!

The more you put into this course, the more you will get out of it! The sky is the limit when your heart is in it! All the best!

Important documents for your binder:

map4ci_course_outline (please have guardian sign)

Assessment Policy:


getting to know you assignment (due next week)

Online textbook chapters for units of study + answers:

answers ch1 ch2 ch3 ch4 ch5 ch6 ch7 ch8 cr_1-4 cr_1-8


June 8-12 see google classroom for assignment


June 1-5 see google classroom for assignment

May 25-29 

Please see assignment on google classroom.


May 11-22 (fortnight…two assignments and time to get caught up, if necessary)

Please see assignments on google classroom.

Week of  May 4-8

Please see google classroom for instructions.

Week of April 27-May 1 

Can you believe it…May?! We’ll be continuing distance learning until at least the end of May. This week, we’re going to work through some very important things from ch4.

Firstly, I would like you to work through the activating prior knowledge questions from pp. 192 – 196. This math is extremely important for real life use. Please submit your solutions to these questions to me by the end of the week. There are examples there to follow.

Secondly, please read pp. 196-200 and complete questions from pp. 201-205.

Lastly, and most importantly, I’d like you to create a survey/questionnaire using a google form and collect data from your classmates about a topic of your choice. I’d like you to complete a report, using the structure on pp. 218-221. Make sure your topic relates two variables and keep your surveys anonymous. Don’t collect any sensitive information. Have fun with this assignment and please email me if you are having difficulty creating the form or with anything else. Please also share your survey with me! Have a great week!


Week of April 20-24

This week you will be collecting and analyzing data.  I would like you to pick a topic/question that interests you and make a conjecture about the relationship/correlation between two variables. For this week’s assignment, I would like you to follow the format described on pp  180-184 in ch3 in your textbook. Please also read p. 185 for your reference. The following is a level 4 exemplar of what I would like you to create this week.  Have fun researching and choose a really interesting topic. As always, please email me any questions that you have and I will help you out. If you’d like, include your phone number in the email and I could give you a call and explain everything much easier over the phone.


Week of April 14-17 

Please complete the geometry review questions and submit the ch2 practice test to me by the end of the week. Please email me if you have any questions. Thanks.