We are learning about Nursery Rhymes. Students are enjoying saying the poems, acting out the stories and creating art to illustrate these stories. Below you will see activities for Itsy Bitsy Spider, Humpty Dumpty, Baa Baa Black Sheep and Jack and Jill. We also made water spouts for the Itsy Bitsy Spider. Ask your child to recite the poems for you at home.

What do children learn from Nursery Rhymes?

β€’ hear, identify, manipulate and experiment with the sounds of language

β€’ practice pitch, volume and voice inflection while experiencing the rhythm of language

β€’ story sequence and help them identify what happened first, next and last

β€’ explore words that describe size, weight, and other math concepts

β€’ promote positive messages and information about getting along with others and being kind

β€’ build an awareness of sound patterns of language, such as rhyming words

β€’Β start to see themselves as readers when they see the nursery rhymes in print that they have already memorized orally

Adapted fromΒ http://blog.heidisongs.com

Categories: Classroom Events · Language