Welcome to Kindergarten in Room 22!

We are very excited about the upcoming school year! Β It will start with everyone coming to school on the first day.


What does my child need on the first day?

Their Dismissal Form (so we know how they are getting home on the first day!)

Backpack (labelled with their name, please)

Indoor shoes (labelled with their name, please)

Lunch bag packed with enough food for our two nutrition breaks (labelled with their name, please)

One of their colour coded name tags (mailed in the summer letter) on their indoor clothing, such as their shirt


Where do I drop them off? What time?

School begins each day at 9:15 a.m. On the first day, educators will meet students at the front door of the school and take them to the library.Β  Parents will say goodbye at the door.Β  Students who are arriving by bus will be met at the buses and escorted to the library.


Where do I pick them up? What time?

Dismissal time is 3:35 p.m.Β  Just like last year, kindergarten students will be dismissed from the lines at the front of the school.Β  Students must wait for the educators to dismiss them.Β  Students who are leaving by bus will be escorted to the buses by educators.

Categories: Classroom Events · Welcome