December 3rd, 2013
I can understand what is being said in the play and songs
I can use the language I already know plus the new vocabulary from the play, the “At Home” unit and the songs to answer questions and to speak French in the classroom
I can speak about myself and others, using pronouns (je, tu, il, elle, nous and vous) and using the correct form of ” être” (suis, es, est, sommes, êtes)
I can read the play with good pronunciation and am adding expression
I can put the words from the play into order so that they make sense. (Mets les mots en ordre)
I can use prepositions like sur, sous, dans, devant, derriere, dedans, à côte de, en haut and en bas, to describe where things are.
I can write the words from the play, the songs and the “At Home” unit, using correct spelling