Our 2023 music tour to Ottawa is coming up quickly. We’re leaving in just over a month from May 10-14 with 60 of our W-O Music students.  To ensure you have all the correct information and know exactly how the tour will play out, we’re having a parent meeting for the trip participants on Wednesday, April 5 from 7:00-8:00pm in our school cafeteria.  We’ll walk you through the final itinerary, discuss the behaviour expectations, emergency protocols, talk about spending money and provide some packing tips for the trip. We’ll also make sure everyone knows who they’re rooming with and what bus they’ll be on.

Remember that if you’re attending the trip you should have made your final payment with Brightspark by this point and you should have handed in a medical form (paper) to the music department.

We’ll look forward to seeing you next Wednesday night at 7:00pm!