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I’m Ryan Wettlaufer and I teach French, Health, Drama, and Dance to 8C and 8D.  From time to time you’ll receive an email about what we are learning or to let you know about an evaluation coming home to be shared.  For more regular insight into our classroom, including assignments and due dates, follow @wettfrench on Instagram or Twitter.  You can also check out the @wettfrench feed on the home page of my website (

Culture and Identity

We have been exploring the ingredients that influence our culture and identity.  Students created collages and wrote a short poem to express what makes them unique.  The results of the Concours d’identité will be announced this week.  Students were asked to nominate peers who had been especially creative or effective in their projects.

On discute les éléments de notre culture et identité qui nous rendent unique.

Une publication partagée par M. Wettlaufer (@wettfrench) le

Evaluating Dangerous Situations

In Health we are learning to recognize the risks of injury or even death in realistic and diverse situations.  This can range from playing sports, walking alone at night, and babysitting young children to dealing with peer pressure, experimenting with alcohol or drugs, and being in a relationship.  In each case, we are learning strategies that help us avoid or at least reduce the risks involved.

On discute des situations qui peuvent causer des blessures ou la mort.

Une publication partagée par M. Wettlaufer (@wettfrench) le

Formal and Informal Language

We are learning how to make use of language and expressions that are appropriate for different contexts.  That includes knowing when and how to use le tu et le vous in conversation as well as how to respond to articles and issues by expressing our agreement, disagreement, and emotions in sophisticated ways.

On prend des rôles différents et identifie le niveau de langue approprié.

Une publication partagée par M. Wettlaufer (@wettfrench) le

Your feedback and questions are welcome!

Please never hesitate to contact me if you have questions or feedback about what we are learning, how your child is doing, or if you have something to share.  I value your thoughts and opinions just as I value those of my students.  I can be most easily reached at and am happy to reply to messages via email, phone, or in a face-to-face meeting.

