Data Management

We explored using a Venn diagram for sorting. We put red woozles in one hula hoop, curvy woozles in the other, and if they were both curvy and red we put them in the middle. Woozles who weren’t curvy nor red were placed outside of the hula hoops.  Please click on the photo to enlarge […]

What if you had Animal Teeth!?

We enjoyed learning about different animal teeth and discovering various skulls today.  What fun facts can I share with you about teeth?  What animal am I waking up as in my English writing this week?

Huron Natural Area

It was a beautiful fall day for our trip to the Huron Natural Area. We learned that pileated woodpeckers are large woodpeckers who make rectangular holes in trees.  We were surprised to discover that they wrap their long tongues around their skulls to protect their brains when they peck.  You can find more information here: […]

Stone Soup

The students enjoyed making the stone soup.  Many students had two bowls!  And to answer your burning question, yes, there was a real stone in it.  As one student explained, we didn’t eat the stone, it was “just for the taste” 😉    

Joseph Schneider Haus

We had a great time at Joseph Schneider Haus. We were surprised to learn that they used corn as toilet paper. We also learned why we say “Sleep tight.  Don’t let the bed bugs bite.”  The “sleep tight” is a reminder to tighten the ropes under the bed mattress before you go to sleep at […]

van Gogh

Today we talked about van Gogh in Art.  We are looking forward to recreating his masterpiece “Starry Night” soon.  I shared this YouTube clip with the kids which shows the van Gogh show currently being presented at the former quarry in les Baux-de-Provence in the South of France.  The huge walls of the quarry are […]

Representing Teen Numbers

We have been focusing on the “teen” numbers in class.  They are tricky because you say “seventeen,” but the number “7” doesn’t come first.  We decided it would be easier if we said “teen-six, teen-seven, etc.” We have been exploring different ways to represent teen numbers in class.  Here are several different ways to represent […]

It’s a Boy!

(Please note: If you click on the photos, you can enlarge them to see them better) We knew that we would have a baby butterfly this morning when we walked into the classroom because our chrysalis was transparent and we could see our baby’s wings. Our butterfly emerged at first nutrition break.  We could tell […]

Doubles and Almost Doubles

We have been exploring doubles and almost doubles in Math.  Can I tell you about the pictures we have posted in our classroom to represent the doubles from 1+1=2 to 10+10=20?  Madame Natter is encouraging us to refer to the doubles pictures that are posted in the classroom and to use them to help us […]

Representing Teen Numbers

When Madame Natter’s daughter was very young, she used to count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1 teen, 1 teen, 1 teen…  This cute story is helping us remember that the teen numbers have a ‘1’ first.  For example, seventeen is “17” and not “71.”  Often students can make this […]

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