Students in Room 1 have been working together as a group to earn points. They receive a snap cube for each 10 minute interval of focused, engaged whole-group learning. When they had a train of 25 snap cubes, the class took a vote. The majority decided to do a period of “electronics”.

Students are welcome to bring a portable device with them to school tomorrow, such as an iPod, tablet, switch etc. The understanding is that we will only play school-appropriate games (I will be monitoring), and there will be no online gaming at school. If you decide to allow your child to bring a device to school, please review expectations with your child as to how they can get the device to and from school safely. The devices will remain in zipped-up backpacks or in my locked closet until we are using them for our 25 minutes of electronic usage. The class has been told there will be no pictures taken of staff or students while at school. If devices are taken outside for break, they will need to be handed over to a teacher.

For students who do not bring a device, we have Chromebooks in the class. This will still be a special opportunity for students, as we have always used our computers as “tools” and never “toys” in the classroom. Most students enjoy playing “Cool Math Games” if given a chance. I will also be bringing in my WiiU Console and balance board, so students can practice active games.

This should make for an exciting day tomorrow!