General Expectations

  1. Ask questions when something is unclear.
  2. Communicate with your classmates. Talking about math helps all of us to understand and succeed.
  3. Make an effort. “I can’t do this” is an excuse. No excuses!
  4. Respect everyone and the learning process.
  5. Be wrong rather than be silent. Respect your classmates who have the courage to take a guess.

Specific Expectations

  1. Be on time and prepared (paper, pencil, eraser, binder, textbook)
  2. Focus on math. Manage your distractions.
  3. When working as a whole class together, raise your hand when you want to speak next.
  4. Do quality work. Write legibly, make your solution clear to the reader, etc.
  5. Be in your seats when the bell ends class.


(Credit: Mr. Iland)