Student-Run Clubs

There is a diverse palette of passions and interests at Cameron Heights that students are expressing through lunchtime clubs. If there isn’t a club right for you though, there is always the option to start your own! The issue is that the promotion process is slightly more difficult for student-led clubs compared to teacher-led clubs. […]

Cameron Heights Weight Room

The weight room at Cameron Heights is now open. In order for you to use the weight room, you must show your digital student card indicating that you have paid the $40 activities fee. You also have to show your fitness room icon indicating that you completed the Student Safety Google form and that a […]

Most Common Pyjamas found during Pyjama day

On Monday October 3rd, students were encouraged to wear comfortable clothes and/or pyjamas, and bring their stuffed animals to school. Although not many stuffed animals can be seen in the hallway, many pyjamas were presented.  The most common of which are plaid trousers which seem to be almost universal for those who came to school […]

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