On Monday October 3rd, students were encouraged to wear comfortable clothes and/or pyjamas, and bring their stuffed animals to school. Although not many stuffed animals can be seen in the hallway, many pyjamas were presented. 

The most common of which are plaid trousers which seem to be almost universal for those who came to school in nightwear. There seems to be a common consensus that black trousers are the best trousers, although the tartans came in many colors. One student was spotted wearing red tartans, while another, blue. Other tartan color includes grey and darker grey that seems to be black.

That being said, variety does exist, with plaided sweatpants being more common than plaided cotton pants, which seems to be more common than sweatpants. Sweatpants are generally gray, much like a pigeon would, though some black ones could be seen.

As for the upper bodies, hoodies and t-shirts seem to be a fan favorite. Similar to sweatpants, grey and black hoodies dominated the hallway, while T-shirts, if worn, are generally oversized and looked very comfortable.


By Sy Nguyen Tran

Categories: School News