You will be provided a college student number, ID, and temporary password. You will need these to log into your college email, eConestoga (D2L), and campus wifi while.
*The First time you log into any of these you will be asked to change your password AND set up multi-factor authentication using the Microsoft Authenticator App. You’ll need a LONG password ready for this step. Follow the instructions carefully.
eConestoga (D2L)
- Navigate to and use the LOGIN dropdown menu to select eConestoga.
- Log in to eConestoga.
Your username and password are based on your name and student number. It will look like this.
Tom Smith
Student Number: 1234567
Username: tsmith4567
Temp Password: Cc1234567
You should now be logged into your eConestoga and see your college courses.
* Not every class will need this but it is recommended for any class where the instructor uses eConestoga regularly. All online (college pathway) classes and Level 1 OYAP classes will find this useful.
D2L Brightspace App
- Download D2L Brightspace (Pulse) from the app store
- Open the app and enter Conestoga College in the search
- Log in as you did with eConestoga
- You should see all your classes
* This is just another tool you may find helpful to use
To log in to the wifi use network CCSecure and use the same ID and password.
- Here is a TIP sheet with network settings.
Student Email
- Navigate to and use the LOGIN dropdown menu to select Email.
- Click Email (Office 365) and Log in with your Conestoga Email and password.
- Click on the Outlook icon. It’s a good idea to set up forwarding from this email to an email you check regularly.
*The first time you log in you will be asked to set language and time zone. Make the selections below and click Save.
Need Help?
If you lock yourself out of your account (entered the password wrong 3 times) you will have to contact the IT department.
- Call 519-748-5220 x3444
- Press #2 to speak to an IT representative
- Let them know you are a Dual Credit Student and need your password reset
- Login while on the phone with IT to make sure it works and avoid the need to call back