Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to the 2019-2020 school year! I am excited that your child is in my science class this year. My mission as your child’s science teacher is to help your child reach their full potential.  I have included some information about the upcoming year, expectations curriculum  and schedule .

My website is a great way to communicate with you. I usually use it for homework assignments, tests and general reminders! Please visit this page bi-weekly or on a monthly basis.

Student Supplies needed this year

  • Plenty Loose leaf paper
  • Plenty of pens and pencils
  • Colouring pencils, markers, ruler, eraser, glue stick and pencil sharpener.

Student Expectations/Rules:

Classroom expectations have been reviewed in class as well as in assembly form.

Quizzes and Tests:  All quizzes and tests will be announced in advance.  Several resources are available to help students prepare – in class review, pre-test etc.

Class Activities and Labs:  Students will participate in many group and inquiry based activities and labs.  During science class grade 7 & 8 students work in groups to investigate a number of science topics within the science curriculum. All students are encouraged to work cooperatively developing appropriate social skills to enhance their development. A rubric will be used to assess activities and labs on a weekly/monthly basis.

Projects:  Many projects will be completed in science class this year. Each project will reflect topics covered in class and enable students to further explore and show their knowledge.  Projects must be turned in by the due date.

Homework: Homework will be written on the board each class.  Homework should be recorded in student planners or devices for all subjects.

Science Text Book: There are no science textbooks available for either grades. Printouts, websites, information as well as Google Classroom will be used to enhance students learning.

Looking forward to a great year!



Mrs Verley-Entz

Moffat Creek PS

710 Myers Road, Cambridge, ON N1P 0A8  (519) 620-1661