

Welcome to Grade 11 Biology! I am looking forward to an interesting semester of investigating living things, their past, their present and their future!

We shall use D2L Brightspace as our main mode of communication but I have posted the course outline and curriculum documents here.  The Daily Plan is posted here as well.


Mrs. Dmytrus


Daily Plan

Course Outline


The Ministry of Education Curriculum documents for this course can be accessed using the following link and scrolling to page 46 of the document.

Curriculum Documents




While we will be using technology as a primary communication tool in our class, our Technology can get in the way of our learning at times!  Please put phones away during class unless they are needed to search up information.  Practice allowing yourself to go for 1 hour without checking messages etc. (if you have to, work your way up from 10 min!).  You will find that it is much easier to stay focused if you practice this simple technique.

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Image result for study skills

Study Skills Guide:

Here is a resource that can help you improve your skills in and out of the classroom.  Try looking through the guide and picking one or two skills you want to work on each week or each month.  Please let me know if you have tried this and if it has been helpful in any way through out the year.


How to Be Successful: A Study Skills Guide




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