ENG1DPX Course of Study

Mr. J. Cvetich

Room 507

e-mail: joseph_cvetich@wrdsb.ca

This course combines grade 9 applied and academic level students together in a mix-level course designed both to help students improve their literacy skills at an appropriate speed and depth and to determine appropriate placement for grade 10 English. Students will begin the course working towards completing either a 1P or a 1D credit and by the end of the course will earn the credit their skill level and achievement merit. The same units of study, covering the same basic topics and skills, but with, at times, different texts/material or work/assignments/assessments will be used throughout the course.  

Student Assessment will be based on individual achievement of the following Essential Learnings:

Communication for an audience(COM AUD) Students will demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively-through writing or media text-using an appropriate style and/or form for different audiences and purposes (25%)

Reading texts(READING) Students will demonstrate the ability to read fluently, for meaning and understanding, of a variety of literary, informational, graphic and media texts, using their knowledge of form and style to assist with comprehension. (20%) 

Communication techniques(COM TECH) Students will demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively, through speaking, presenting and listening, by identifying and using verbal and non-verbal techniques, explicit and implicit messages, in a variety of written, oral and media texts (20%) 

Identifies features of texts(FEAT ID) Students will demonstrate the ability to identify the form, style and structure of a variety of written, spoken, and media texts and understand how the conventions and features of those texts are used to create and communicate meaning (15%) 

Applies processes(PROCESS) Students will demonstrate the ability to use a process effectively-creative, written or inquiry based-to gather information, draft and revise, edit and proofread, in order to produce a variety of texts for different purposes and audiences (15%)

Self-reflection(META) Student will demonstrate the ability to reflect on and identify their own strengths and areas for improvement as readers, writers, communicators, and media producers (5%)

For each major summative assignment completed in the course, students will be assessed on the achievement of-and receive a level mark for-each of the above individual Essential Learnings that apply. 

For example, examine the following rubric:




What I am looking for: 

‘Students will demonstrate the ability to…’

Level 4+ Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Mark


Communicate effectively using an appropriate style/form for an identified audience

-write a poem, applying and explaining required terms and techniques 

-write a dialogue and an interior monologue, employing appropriate stylistic devices and correct form 

-write a character analysis, following correct analytical paragraph style/form










Read fluently, for meaning and understanding, of a variety of literary, informational, graphic and media texts, using their knowledge of form and style to assist with comprehension.

-read and understand a variety of short stories, selecting text quotations in support of analysis and ideas         X   85


Understand how the conventions and features of  a written text are used to create and communicate meaning

-understand different narrative points of view, styles and techniques

-analyze a sight poem, demonstrating knowledge of selected terms and their application 

  X   X   82


Use a process effectively to gather information, draft and revise, edit and proofread, to produce a written text for a specific purpose and audience 

-write a number of poems, select and edit one to meet required criteria 

-edit writing for correct usage and language conventions to produce a polished, good copy







Reflect on and identify their own strengths and areas for improvement as readers and writers 

-analyze and explain their poetry writing      X   95

Units of Study

Term Work: 70% of Mark

1. Identity: Who am I?

This unit will give students the opportunity to think about who they are, what their place in the 

world is, how their views are formed and shaped, and how social media can influence their 

worldview. They will read stories, essays, articles, and view different media texts. They will write 

a personal essay, a news article, , a monologue, and personal responses on their own blog. 

Summative Assignment: TED Talk on Social Media  


2. The world around us: Who are We?

This unit will give students the opportunity to critically examine the world around them. They will 

study sources of information, the ideas of truth, fact and what is fake news. They will read stories and articles 

for meaning and understanding. They will examine media texts like podcasts and documentaries.

Summative Assignment: Research Write Podcast  


3. Out There: Creative ideas

This unit will give students the opportunity to examine and create a number of creative forms. 

They will read, write and analyze poetry . They will study the life, times and

selected works of William Shakespeare. They will read a One-act play. 

Summative Assignment: TBA 


Culminating Project: 30% of Mark

Students will independently read an Indigenous novel and complete a number of assignments that 

will give them the opportunity to show their knowledge and skill level that will help determine 

their English course selection for next year.