Come to class with a positive attitude. Be diligent in your work, attentive during lessons, volunteer ideas, ask questions and work quietly and cooperatively. Come prepared with all required materials, be on time and be prepared to work for the entire period. Work to the best of your ability and respect the rights of others to learn.
Mathematical skills are developed in the classroom and are strengthened during homework and study sessions; difficulties must be discussed with your teacher – individually or in either small group or full class situations. Be conscientious about doing your homework. See your teacher early about difficulties; do not let them drag on until the end of a unit.
Extra Help
I am happy to provide extra help at lunch or after school. At lunch time, please feel free to just pop in as needed and stay for as little or as long as is necessary. For after school help, please make an appointment with me beforehand.
Policy regarding missed Tests and Quizzes
Students are expected to write the test or quiz on the FIRST DAY back to school. See your teacher to write your test.
All unit tests are considered major components of the course and must be completed to earn this credit:
In the event a student fails to follow through on a missed unit test, the teacher will:
- Speak with the student to negotiate a new test date.
- Communicate with the student’s parent or guardian about the missed test.
Tests not completed after the negotiated date will be designated as incomplete. The essential learning skills required for this test will still need to be demonstrated in order to earn the course credit.
Failure to complete non-major quizzes and assignments or missing them for any invalid reason MAY result in a mark of zero.
Policy regarding Attendance and Lates
The Waterloo-Oxford District Secondary School policy states that all students are expected to attend all classes and arrive on time. Excessive absences may contribute, directly or indirectly to the student losing the credit.
When the bell rings students should be in their seats ready to begin class. If a student arrives late he/ she should sit down quietly and join the class. After the third late a detention will be assigned in the office or the math help room, where the student is expected to catch up on math work.
Bring to class with you EVERY DAY:
– Scientific Calculator (sin, cos and tan buttons)
– 3 ring binder with paper
– pencil, eraser and ruler
– textbook
**Note Calculators may NOT be shared during assessments and will NOT be lent to you by the teacher. The use of cellphones, audio- or video-recording devices, digital music players or e-mail or text messaging devices during the assessment is prohibited.***
Class notes and Videos
Class notes, videos (in youtube format!) and other important information will be available on Mrs. Wagler’s website ( which can also be accessed through the school website at: It is your responsibility to view the material and be caught up for the next class if you are away. Please see me if you have any questions about the posted lessons and/or notes.